Gamecube games on Wii....


WiiChat Member
Mar 29, 2007
I just tried to play my 1st gamecube game(LOTR: Return of the King) on my new Wii and I'm having a problem. I have no memory card yet. After the game
loads it says, no mem card continue without. I am selecting start, pushing A
but nothing is happening. I am trying the new Wii 'classic' remote as well.
Is there something I am doing wrong?

Thanks for any help!
Can only use a gamecube controlers for the gamecube games. You NEED a nintendo gamecube memory card to save your data.
Wii dos'nt need one
The classic controler is for a virtual console game.
You should have done your reserch first
You can't use the wii controllers. You need a gamecube controller and a gamecube memory card.
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Mario_strikers said:
Can only use a gamecube controlers for the gamecube games. You NEED a nintendo gamecube memory card to save your data.
Wii dos'nt need one
The classic controler is for a virtual console game.
You should have done your reserch first

I asked the guys working at EB games what I needed and specfically if I needed a gamecube controller. They said you could play all gamecube games on the Wii with the new classic Wii controller so I thought I had done my research.
if you look at the shelf box fo rthe classic controllers they have at eb stores (the empty display box that you take to the counter and they give you a proper one) it said incorrectly that it worked for gamecube games. Those were printed BY eb games, not nintendo, and some idiot at the head office didn't research first.The EB here chucked those on wii launch and had new ones printed. Your guys probably are other system fanboys who haven't changed the display boxes. Bad move - should allways know your product - if they had played it they would have known. The EB here is really strict with that angle. The guys in there try every product. So they KNEW and were honest when I was first getting "wii'd".
If you have a GameCube, you should play GC games on it, and not your Wii, so it wont be worn down so fast and so your GC will have purpose.
maybe he doesnt want to keep unplugging and replugging in different consoles, time and time again, like me..
im sure he doesnt have a cube otherwise he would have a memory card and a gc controller

u need a gamecube controller to play in gamecube mode
u also need a gamecube memory card to save ur gamecube game saves

personally i like ps2 controller

the guy at eb games was wrong
sometimes its best to ask if they have a wii
and if they dont u can ask if some1 else there has 1

btw how is the classic controller is it conformable?
I too was misled to believe that the classics controller would work for gamecube games but by the people at Circuit $hitty. If you don't have a gamecube controller yet, get a wavebird, its worth it (my only beef is no rumble for battery conservation).
FoxRox said:
Circuit $hitty

hahahaha that funny yeah always ask if he has a wii and do research else where

asking some moron who gets 8 bucks an hour is like doing all ur research at wikipedia. u might get a quick easy answers but u have to question its reliability
marshmk said:
I asked the guys working at EB games what I needed and specfically if I needed a gamecube controller. They said you could play all gamecube games on the Wii with the new classic Wii controller so I thought I had done my research.

Don't feel too bad they did the exact same thing to my wife.
I knew beforehand that it wouldn't work but the idiot assured me otherwise, guess I was the idiot then...
Hey FoxRox... sorry for asking this stupid question. I just read your signature... what is SSBM??? :O

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