GameBoy / GameBoy Advance VC?


WiiChat Member
Jan 31, 2007
Does anyone know if Nintendo has plans to add GameBoy (reg or Color) or GameBoy Advance to the Virtual Console? Or possibly to add Super Game Boy (the SNES cartridge) to the Super NES VC so you can play these games on the Wii? Thanks!
it would be kinda cool if you could, i think the classic controller has the right buttons for the games so maybe:lol:
Gameboyadvance is not too classic because they still get more games..

But gameboy color is a real classic, Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow for VC XD
i'm not technologically savvy, but i would think that when i take a game made for a 3 inch screen and try to put it on my 65 inch screen, i will probably have some resolution issues. maybe they can fix that easily, but that would involve totally changing up the code (I think).

again- i don't know how it works but i would think that has something to do with why they haven't done that yet.
dude super gameboy its been done of course it looks bad but you got to play your gameboy games on tv so it rocked
On this issue I did hear that there is going to be a DS "super gameboy" add on for the Wii...I would think this would have DS and GB(and GBC/GBA) alot on it aswell...

I believe that is going to be what would happen if anything about GB/GBC/GBA compatability.

Of course if you really want to play GB/GBC/GBA games on your TV - buy the gameboy add on for the game will proberly cost less than £70 all together if you don't have a GC.
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Pixelation wouldn't be a problem, take a look at any of the PC emulator's that are out and you'll know what I mean. A simple AA filter and all the jaggies disappear! My personal favorite is Super Eagle. I can play at 1024x768 and it looks smoother then it ever did on a GameBoy, which is the same resolution used by HDTV. Normal TV's are 800x600.

I hate to admit it but the main reason I want it is so I could have my complete Zelda collection on one system :D
jONEz said:
Does anyone know if Nintendo has plans to add GameBoy (reg or Color) or GameBoy Advance to the Virtual Console? Or possibly to add Super Game Boy (the SNES cartridge) to the Super NES VC so you can play these games on the Wii? Thanks!

and the fact that DS plays GBA games means they would lose out on potential sales on GBA games (the actual cartridges..)

also, does no-one think the idea of using a 'virtual' console to re-create a piece of hardware that was made for backward compatibilty a pointless idea? why not just do the games directly? (if doing it at all...)
jONEz said:
Pixelation wouldn't be a problem, take a look at any of the PC emulator's that are out and you'll know what I mean. A simple AA filter and all the jaggies disappear! My personal favorite is Super Eagle. I can play at 1024x768 and it looks smoother then it ever did on a GameBoy, which is the same resolution used by HDTV. Normal TV's are 800x600.

I hate to admit it but the main reason I want it is so I could have my complete Zelda collection on one system :D

normal TV's are 640x480 actually hence 480i and 480p and 16x9 widescreen HDTV's are usually closer to 1280x768. Don't ask me why this translates to 720p though. And old school PAL and NTSC resolutions were different as well, I think NTSC is 576x480 and PAL is 640x480, hence why PAL games came with black borders top and bottom.

Anyway appologies for the off topic rant, I am kinda ambivalent about this idea. Handheld games should really be played on a handheld, but then Gameboys and games aren't as common as they used to be so having the option wouldn't hurt, it would be nice if we could download em on VC then upload em to our DS's for a real handheld experience. (wishful thinking I know.)
hmm yeah i dunno... ive not been into nintendo handhelds since gameboy pocket... really wish i had a ds tho.

Im just hoping for DS to start communicating with my wii, cuz then ill have to get one :yesnod: It'd be nice to see some basic stuff.. like ds for a vc controller for some of the games. Or heck even ds games showing up on my tv screen.. 2 screens to three.. not needed yea i know but still. I'm shure it'd be cool to see your ds mario runing around on your big 60" tv
With handheld games on the wii, it would be more material on "gameplay > graphics" to throw in sony fanboys' face.