Game Wrap


is brawling in his mind
Dec 28, 2007
The northeast MoHH2 persona: DanSkater
Wii Online Code
Is it just me or do other people absolutely love taking of game plastic on Brand New games. I just got Far Cry Vengeance today because i just saw it at the store. Anyhow i was opening it and i just realized it could be the best feeling ever. I just live how it rips and you take it off. Its just me isn't it?

P.S. Far Cry isn't as bad as it looks.
Lol. Not really a good feeling. NEVER unpackage an item :lol:

I just do it like it's nothing
Can't say I feel the same way.. At most, I get somewhat annoyed by the packaging of some games/products.
You say it like you're undressing another person. THAT deserves a thread, though it'd probably get deleted quite rapidly.
I like to be wrapped head-to-toe in plastic then you take a...

...wait a minute, which forum is this...

*looks for delete button*
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elmo_999 said:
I love the feeling. Especially on games and DVDs. Its just satisfying with the sound and everything. I also like the "POP" sound of opening a new set of socks.
I. love. you. :worship:

[DT] said:
Holy heck, did you just photochop that? Hahahaha!! Excellent!
Thanks. But close, i used an online free program called SplashUp. Its very similar to photoshop.
[DT] said:
I like to be wrapped head-to-toe in plastic then you take a...

...wait a minute, which forum is this...

*looks for delete button*

congrats....according to the theory of "internet fetish relativity", a website has just opened for that.....with an already booming forum community.


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