game party?


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
Wii Online Code
I went to gamestop today they didn't have no more heros, so then went to bestbuy hopefulle they had no more heros, but no luck, so i got a game for $20 called Game party, its okay i think, i love the darts and trivia.
whats your guys opinions on it?
sounds like a 20 dollar game should be.. entertaining for a while or when you have wii noob friends over to play. personally wouldntve chosen that one since no more heroes is around the corner and everybody is so worked up about that one... personally i cant see why a game with lines like "****head" and "if im number 1 will you do it with me" is so exciting.... but to each his own.
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I'm going pic up No more heros tomarro also get endless ocean or something.
Or maybe killer 7 for gamecube. what do u guys think of endless ocean or killer 7 ?
SensesFail said:
sounds like a 20 dollar game should be.. entertaining for a while or when you have wii noob friends over to play. personally wouldntve chosen that one since no more heroes is around the corner and everybody is so worked up about that one... personally i cant see why a game with lines like "****head" and "if im number 1 will you do it with me" is so exciting.... but to each his own.
Hey Sensesfail. SHUT UP. I am so sick of you and your annoying criticism go get a life. or a new personality.
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SensesFail said:
sounds like a 20 dollar game should be.. entertaining for a while or when you have wii noob friends over to play. personally wouldntve chosen that one since no more heroes is around the corner and everybody is so worked up about that one... personally i cant see why a game with lines like "****head" and "if im number 1 will you do it with me" is so exciting.... but to each his own.

About your critcism, who needs it? sounds like your are a wii-hater, then get the f**k out, and xbox or ps3 form. This is a form called WII CHAT, a.k.a for people who love the wii. So shape up or ship out!!.
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sensesfail should realize, no gaming console is better than another, its what console the person likes better, gosh this seems like what is the better console is turning into what's the better religion. No religion is better than the other. and no console is bettter.
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SensesFail said:
or when you have wii noob friends over to play.
Ummm yeah... settle down buddy.

As for the OP, I haven't played the game. I think Mario Party 8 and Wii Play are enough for my mini game fix.

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