Frequency of certain maps?


WiiChat Member
Aug 5, 2009
I know they "fixed" this problem of certain maps being voted for over and over with this latest patch, but I still find myself playing Nuketown more than any other map. It seems I play the same 4 maps over and over no matter when I enter a match. Nuketown, Firing Range, Havana and Summit. Then there are some maps that I never get to play anymore. I play almost everyday and I haven't seen Crisis in over a month. Cracked is another rare one. I realize that people can still sway the vote by certain groups voting and sometimes the host can change things by backing out. Has anyone else noticed this trend? Maybe some hacking involved?
I play crisis a lot in demolition and cracked a lot in domination, but I know what you mean, except with havana, I rarely play Havana
crisis can be found in wager match and on demolition though its retarded that you literally must play those games to play that map

or you can set up a private TDM with friends and choose w/e map you want
I hate how little you play crisis because it's my personal favorite map
I know what you two mean I used to hate that map too!
But then once it stopped popping up in TDM and CTDM

I missed it to the point where i set up private matches with friends just to play Crisis
I love the map xD especially the beach area with the tanks or w/e lol

also if you wanna be an asshole while playing on crisis
get flak jack and tactical mask
and camp in that one rock place with the ladder
put a claymore facing the ladder

then position yourself right where the
enemy climbs from with ballistic knife Lol [slash away]
Probably, cuz it's fine for me, I hate Hanoi because how dark it is
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I love Crisis. Give me an M16 with Acog and suppressor and I will wreak havoc on the beach. Last time I played it Free For All I went 19-6 with a sentry gun drop and a grim reaper. Might have to get some private matches going ...
I can honestly say I have never played FFA on Crisis ever, but really want to now

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