Freezing and Buzzing


WiiChat Member
Dec 28, 2010
Up North
Hello all,

Am trying to find info on any problems with Wii and the Donkey Kong Returns "upgrade."

Seems that ever since I upgraded, the Wii freezes once in a while and emits a fairly loud alarm, or noise that just goes on and on until I power down the system. Nothing works while this is happening.

Any help or thoughts?

Oh yeah, and it is doing this with my other games as well (Goldeneye). It's annoying and it never did this prior to the Donkey Kong upgrade.
I dont know how to help, Ive just read that those with modified Wii consoles have been getting freezies and a loud buzzing noise when loading Black Ops.
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Ah, I see. Well, I haven't done any modifications at all. I'm just a humble user . . . well, my 5YO is anyway. Pretty sure he hasn't made any mods either.
I'm having the same problem too.

I just bought this Wii at Christmas time, and I have not modded it.

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