Free WiiWare Demos In UK From Today!-1.052009-11-17 14:29:32Maura SNintendo’s official UK website has today announced the immediate launch of the WiiWare Download Demo Service. It’s great to see that the rumoured development is actually now happening for real, although so far there’s no news on whether or not it will be available in other territories.
The first three demos that are available so far are: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord (six levels); Bit.Trip Beat (one level) and NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits (one level).To download a demo, at the moment all you have to do is go to the Recommendation page of the Wii Shop Channel from where you can directly download* the demos. Later on, you will have to go to the WiiWare section of the Wii Shop Channel and choose “Demo” from the “Search by Genre” section.
Note that the free WiiWare demos are available for a limited time only, from 16 November to 31 January 2010.