Forecast Channel


Wii Owner
Dec 8, 2006
Wii Online Code
*I am aware there is something similar to this thread but mine is a little different.

So the general discussion is of course the Forecast Channle.

1.Did you expect the things that were on there?
2.Does it make you feal like you want to just stand in front of your t.v. and tell the news?
3.Knowing this, what do you expect from the other channels?
4.Do you find this helpful in any ways?
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xXxWiixXx said:
*I am aware there is something similar to this thread but mine is a little different.

So the general discussion is of course the Forecast Channle.

1.Did you expect the things that were on there? I actually found it to be a lot more different then I thought it was going to be.
2.Does it make you feal like you want to just stand in front of your t.v. and tell the news? It actually does. It looks just like the real news.
3.Knowing this, what do you expect from the other channels? Better qualitites and more info
4.Do you find this helpful in any ways?
Yes. If I want to take a trip, vacation, etc I know where to look.
I love grabbing the earth completely zoomed out and spinning it really fast. I spent about an hour on the channel today just doing that... No joke
Redan499 said:
I love grabbing the earth completely zoomed out and spinning it really fast. I spent about an hour on the channel today just doing that... No joke


i still think the weather news channel we have in aus is still easier to acces though.
fun stuff...besides that there isnt really much but then again wat do you expect...its weather lol:)
i thought it was cool how you connect to it and it shows you the current weather without having to connect to the internet, wonder if it connect to the weather servers while in wiiconnect24?
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Yeah. Spinning the globe is much fun. :)
At first I thought it was a pretty cool addition to the Wii, but after fiddling with the channel, I felt there was something missing... or maybe I've been spoiled by all the local secondary digital broadcast channels that are weather info 24/7 and The Weather Channel on my satellite dish.

It's not a weather forecast unless you've got doppler radar and all those funky graphics that tell you in detail what part of the city is raining, cloudy, thundering/lightning, high/low barometric pressure, humidity, dewpoint, high/low tide, allergy forecast and etc. IMHO. The more info and updated by the minute it is, the better.

I've noticed some of the temperature readings are absurdly incorrect (1 degree Fahrenheit when the close surrounding sities are well in their 50's) or have blank readings such as " -- ". They both could be weather station glitches, I dunno.

For my city, the weather forecast is a bit static and lacking. Approx. 1500 sq. miles of metropolis with just a single point of forecast info representing it. Makes for a future travel preparation frustration.

In summation, it won't replace my current source of weather info (or even come close w/out some major updates, i.e. access to regional weather organizations, teams of meterologists and weather tracking equipment) but it makes for a nice curiosity application on the Wii. Like seeing if my friends across the US are getting as soaked as I am.
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The main thing I don't like is that it only updates the temperature/weather every few hours. They could have easily done something closer to realtime.

Bad weather alerts would be cool too. . .make the blue light blink if a bad storm was headed your way.
The one feature it does not have that I would like is a ski resort summary, giving snow levels at various resorts as well as predicted snowfall, this would be much easier than using teletext and it may convince my dad to buy a wii for himself.

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