Tip#67: Sell Your Wii
Played Wii today at a MYER store as part of the Australian 'Wii Tour'. All I can say is 'wow!', it is SO simple to use and so fun. Plus it was great to see so many age groups and both male and female all having fun together. I got to play 3 of the 'Wii play' titles, and all I can say is that theyre fantastic and simple to pick up and play. After winning a particular game of Wii Pool, the woman accepted defeat with a handshake, followed by laughs. People were really getting into the games, with ppl who had never met, talking over the game, realising each others frustrations at trying to take certain shots during the Pool games. People surrounding the booths were cheering at shots, and after a particularly long round of Pool, people were clapping. Stuff like that makes you realise the potential of such a user-friendly console. Can't wait to get mine home and play with friends AND family.