First Screen Shots of Transformers For The Wii!!

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Lol meaningless?

Do those shots look like a cgi to you guy?
Tack me down for one who doesn't believe that these are the actual graphics for the game.

I can't recall a movie-title game that looks that good. On Nintendo systems, anywho. No time put into them!
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Movie Games

So I suppose scarface doesnt look good...
Oh man! I'm actually excited for a Movie-to-Game! Hope the multiplayer will be fun.
Norex said:
So I suppose scarface doesnt look good...

Well slap me sideways.
I've been proved wrong! Scarface DOES look good (at least on the Wii-scale.)

Maybe there's hope yet for this game's looks!
Those screen shots look good. I like the idea of throwing cars :)
They look nothing like the previous images. The detail on the first images was far greater.

Compare the truck on the second image of the magazine scan to the cop car on screen shot four to see what I mean.
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I can't wait for the movie. I hope it's better than Spider-man 3. That was disappointing.