Fire Emblem...


Jounin Member
Jan 5, 2007
Do you think Nintendo would actually translate the Fire Emblem games that never come out to the US in english for the VC? Just a thought.
might sound dumb, but what is the fire emblem you speak of?

japanese games?
well if you know jap. make shure there is no wii points left in your sys. then change you contry to jap. the lan will stay the same. and go to wii shop and add some points and download them
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Bigjake52 said:
well if you know jap. make shure there is no wii points left in your sys. then change you contry to jap. the lan will stay the same. and go to wii shop and add some points and download them

how are you sure that works?
J-Tizzle said:
how are you sure that works?

No, I don't think it works. I've looked around ways to get the Dragon Quest game which is currently in Japanese only. Since I do know Japanese, I thought I could just go and pick a copy up and play it on my Wii. The only problem is the game says "only for play on Japanese systems," meaning that you need a 'Japanese Wii' to have access to play Japanese games, and maybe even the Shop Channel. Or maybe you just need to be in Japan with a Japanese Wii to use their Shop Channel?
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Niwa said:
No, I don't think it works. I've looked around ways to get the Dragon Quest game which is currently in Japanese only. Since I do know Japanese, I thought I could just go and pick a copy up and play it on my Wii. The only problem is the game says "only for play on Japanese systems," meaning that you need a 'Japanese Wii' to have access to play Japanese games, and maybe even the Shop Channel. Or maybe you just need to be in Japan with a Japanese Wii to use their Shop Channel?

Yeah, I thought so. Well, lets just hope Fire Emblem does come to the VC.
*cries @ all the ignorance*

Marth is from FE 1....Roy is FE think they are in the same game. haha

Anyways, most ROM's have been translated. and if not directly there, you can always google the scripts.

@ bigjake.... :nonod: you can't "change your country to jap".... Most likely a NTSC/PAL thing.

And I came here thinking it was a FE 10 thing..... :O
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Brawny said:
*cries @ all the ignorance*

Marth is from FE 1....Roy is FE think they are in the same game. haha

Anyways, most ROM's have been translated. and if not directly there, you can always google the scripts.

@ bigjake.... :nonod: you can't "change your country to jap".... Most likely a NTSC/PAL thing.

And I came here thinking it was a FE 10 thing..... :O

Both of them was in SSBM. Where did you find the translated roms?
I don't think they're going to pull the original FE to the North American VC. The only way I see Nintendo doing that is when the newest FE is released in the North America they release it as a promotional thing (like they did with Metroid Prime: 3 and releasing Super Metroid and Metroid, both of which i still for some reason haven't picked up yet). But why would they go through all the effort of translating a VC to promote a game that isn't that popular in North America.
Despite you're freaking awesome name, I will have to disagree with you whole-heartedly.

FE has gotten very popular in North America, stemming from what? Oh yeah, PROMOTIONALS.......
Err, not really everyone I know had no idea where Marth or Roy came from. The only people i know that knew a thing about FE were die hard RPG fans. Its more of a cult game. But I'll agree to disagree seeing as theres not point in arguing this

Oh yeah thanks for the Kotos on my name

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