It’s Monday again, and we all know what that means: Fresh downloads on WiiWare and Virtual Console for US gamers! First up on WiiWare™ we have Gravitronix, a multiplayer blaster in which you battle up to seven other players in the Gravitronix arena. You can either team up with a partner to take on campaign mode, or get involved in the versus mode all-out battle malarkey. There are also several different customization options available, including flooding the Gravitronix arena with projectiles, or ramping up the gameplay to make it super fast.
Over on the Virtual Console we have a real blast from the past in the shape of classic Super NES™ side-scrolling beat-‘em-up Final Fight 2. Following on from the apparent defeat of Mad Gear in the* first game, Final Fight 2 sees Cody and Jessica on holiday and Guy training elsewhere. When the Mad Gear Gang make their unwelcome return and kidnap Guy’s master, Genryusai and Genryusai’s daughter Rena, it’s left to Haggar to try to rescue them, along with Maki and Carlos.
Gravitronix, published by Medaverse Studios, is rated E for Everyone by the ESRB and costs 500 Wii Points™.
Final Fight™ 2, published by Capcom USA, is rated E10+ for Everyone 10 and Older and costs 800 Wii Points™.
Both titles will be added to the Wii™ Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time on Monday 12th October.