Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers Gets PAL Release Date-1.052009-11-24 11:46:41Maura SSquare Enix has just announced that Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers will be available exclusively for the Wii™ in PAL territories on 5th February 2010, a little over a month after the game’s North American release.
“Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers is a unique addition to the series and one which will appeal to Final Fantasy fans and to Wii owners with a thirst for an epic and immersive adventure. We look forward to releasing the game across PAL territories,” said Larry Sparks, vice president brands PAL region, Square Enix Ltd.
According to Square Enix, FFCC:TCB features “exhilarating real-time battles”, “gorgeous 3D graphics that push the Wii’s capabilities”, and “fully expressed event scenes with typical Final Fantasy elements”. But even better than all that good stuff, as these brand new screenshots illustrate, the game also features moogles dressed as postmen/women and a tattooed cactaur up to its usual brand of prancing mischief in the desert. We are speechless with happiness, kupo!