Fill All Wii Channels?


Wii > Xbox360 +PS3
Feb 20, 2007
Buffalo NY
Wii Online Code
Anyone ever fill all the channels on their wii yet? What happeneds when they are all filled you get more or you just have to delete some to make more room? I've got 15 channel pots left.. what happeneds when they are all full...your wii blows (joke)
i only have the 1st page and 3 more channels on my wii. if u get all o dem filled up, you have to put some on your memory card (if u got one). but i don't belive you, my wii is almost wasted out of memory. how could you have that much memory? :mad5:
^^^^The only way I can imagine is downloading every NES and Turbo GFX game which is like $100+ probably.
am getting pretty close, gonna run outta memory first i think
i surpassed it....:lol:
i got so much that i needed to use my sd card to save its memories
I have 1300 blocks left. I can feel the space disappearing. I heard they'll make more use of SD cards next year. Perhaps they'll hold VC games? If so I'd be set.
I have four windows filled.... spent about $120 on the virtual console games....
The first two pages of my Wii Menu are filled, with one left on the second, and I have two blank pages. I have like 1000 blocks left. I really hope Nintendo opts for a HDD soon, otherwise a lot of Wii owners are going to run out of space.
They have designed memory cards for the system, that can store 2 gigs max, and another one that stores 1 gig.
I have also only filled up the first page and 3 to 4 windows on the second. Sure, I download games, but not that many. :lol:
None of the current titles interested me, so I spend like $120 on the virtual console. At least it gives me something fun to do. Most of the other games are just stupid, but some are good. I personally like Red Steel...

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