There is unfortunatly no fight night scheduled. Wii May see 2007 fight night, But it has not been confirmed by EA while Ps3 And xbox who both got 2006, Have 2007 confirmed. We might get screwed, but I pray not considering its my most anticipated game on the system.
Fight Night woul be cool and the rumors I see say it looks likely but at the same time I wouldn't be surprised if EA wouldn't invest the amount of time needed to convert FN to wimmote and nunchuk style.
yup a good boxing game would be the shat......wii sports boxing is so innacurate and it's almost impossible to make any sense out of it in multiplayer. Just swing like an idiot.
i dunno i kind of like wii sports boxing with a friend...the computer seems to be retarded and just stands there...true its not very accurate but it shows the potential the wii has! i think fight night would be freakin awesome for the better system than that, just dont want to piss of those mom's that waited all night in line for there kid's x mass present...