Looks like Wii owning FIFA fans are in for a special treat when the Wii version of FIFA 11 is released on October 1st 2010 in Europe and Asia, and October 4th in North America, as EA has announced today that the game will feature both the traditional 11 v 11 game mode, plus a new street football mode. The regular game will feature over 30 officially licensed leagues, 500 teams and over 15,000 players to choose from. The street version of the game enables you to compete in 5-v-5 street matches with the world’s elite players.

The Wii game also features an all-new attacker vs. defender trick system that creates head-to-head battles as you move up the pitch, performing dozens of elaborate new tricks to throw the defenders off balance. The new button-based shooting mechanic puts control back in the user’s hands, and the new shot types and animations will enable you to find all-new ways to score each game.
In the street mode, players will don street clothes, and each player will have a distinctive style of play and unique skills to draw on. Use the wall to jump past defenders or bank passes to teammates. If you choose to play arcade-style, you can build up and then activate your power meter to blast shots, unleash a speed burst, or send shock waves over your opponents.

Street soccer locations include the likes of Brazil, London and France, and for the first time ever on Wii, players will have the chance to test their game in an indoor setting. Different challenges are also featured, including “first to score”, “Tug of War” or “timed”, and a variety of different goals, including elevated nets for lofted touch shots, wall goals for continuous action and mini nets to test accuracy.
And that’s not even all, as EA says that more new modes and features will be revealed in the coming weeks. And yes, these screen shots are taken from the Wii version of the game, looking good!