Favorite Mario Strikers Charged Music...


The Seagulls Cry.
Feb 6, 2007
Left is right.
Wii Online Code
This idea just came to me while I was lookig in the freezer for some food. So just...say what your favorite Captain and Sidekick music is.

Captain: Petey. (Summer Time Music)

Sidekick: Koopa.
My favorite for captains would have to be Bowser's and sidekick...Hammer Bros. by the way it was fun playing you that day Luigi...hey you have to add my Luigi Mii, I'll semnd you the code later.
Sry to say it but Luigi's music pwns them all:yesnod:

Who doesnt love his music, it fits perfectly into the game for him.
Captain I like Peaches and Luigis

The best sidekick is koopa when he scores is the only time I can stand watching replays.
ok, Luigi, here's the code for my Luigi Mii: 073125 008093, I'll add you so add me please.
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Ok, I'll add you once I'm done eating.
Donkey Kongs Music.

Idc really what sidekick music there is. Donkey Kongs all dramatic and cool.

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