F***ing Rollgoalllll!!!!!!!


God of Wii
Dec 28, 2006
hey...does that rollgoal minigame in the fishing hole piss the hell out of anyone. i am on level 1-7 wich consists of a dip followed by a curve...WTF! how in the world (oh and the strategy guide helps by telling me to take it easy...thanks) do I do that. Is the frog lure even worth it??? can i get the sinking lure w/out it? but i really do like the fishing hole office where you can look at everything and try to roll into her fishtank and get kicked out. i also like how everytime you leave and come in again, the season changes. other than rollgoal its my favorite chill spot...one more thing is the hylilian loach hard to nab? does that girls bird actually say anything like she says?
lol i gave up on rool gole you have to do a total of 50 games and all you get is a lure you probly wont even use.
I'm stuck at that exact same stage. There's a sharp corner right after the huge dip that gets annoying. I just gave up. How is it controlled on the GCN? Hylian loaches are common in many places. It's not as rare as in OoT. That bird is probably as smart as chu chu jelly for all I care.
wtf! 50 levels?! are you serious?! I'm stuck on 1-8 and it has 4 dips and on the 4th dip, its follows into a corner directly. I must have spent 1000 rupees just trying to get past this level. 50 is way to much...
Yeah it goes right up to 8-8 but you only have to beat 1-8 to get the lure. Im stuck on 1-8 i get right up to the last dip but that corner straight after it always makes me fall. Piece of crap always gets me stressed and eats my rupees....
I finally beat 1-8 and got the lure, but its not that great anyways. I thought you needed it to get the Hyrule Loach, but its a bass lure. Where abouts do you catch the Loach in the pond?
You get the Frong lure and fish next to the Lili Pads To get it ^^

Note: You have to Fish in Summer - Look at the Leaves on the tress you'll see what season it is then
after seeing my friend play it im not going to bother as it looks well annoying besides turning the camra might help a bit
its more adictive tan drugs and beer :S ive been trying to do the first hill one for ages . rollgoal i belive to be a :eek: scam :eek:
Wii_Smurf said:
You get the Frong lure and fish next to the Lili Pads To get it ^^

Note: You have to Fish in Summer - Look at the Leaves on the tress you'll see what season it is then

OK, for the last two days I've tried to catch the loach to no avail. I can find no lily pads in the fishing hole AT ALL! I can remember seeing lily pads once before, although I'm unsure if that was in the fishing hole or not. Should there be lily pads in there, if so, where they @?

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