Extra life


Super Geek
Jul 16, 2007
Wii Online Code
I need donations for my contribution to Extra Life. I am part of the Achievement Hunter Team (which you can view here) and we have a really hefty goal.

More importantly, however...donations that I specifically get go straight to the very hospital my best friend, Taylor, was treated at for years before his death. My personal donation page is here. I know it's short notice guys, but I just found out I could participate today. Any and all donations will help.

Now some of you may be wondering just what this means. Well, starting on Saturday I will be playing games for 24 hours straight. Anyone who sponsors me would theoretically give me a dollar amount for every hour I spend. For example, if you give me a donation of $1 per hour, you'd donate $24. My time will be split into chunks thanks to work...but I will not sleep until my 24 hours are done. Please please PLEASE donate. Or get your parents to donate. I want to hit at LEAST $200, but since it's for Tay, even once I hit that I will be begging for donations. Spread the word. For me. For Taylor. For children in hospitals.

As a side note, here is a link to my profile on the site which helped me learn of this event and the site whose team I have joined...Achievement Hunter...though you'll be seeing the Rooster Teeth layout.

PS: Yes, I know it's been awhile since I've posted here and now I'm asking for money. But I'm getting desperate here.
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Sorry for the bump, but I'm really close to my goal! If you're doing this as well, feel free to post links to your donation pages too!

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