I dont no why you guys pay insane amounts for wii's off the web. Seriously look for an Australian site to order off. You will get a great price and we use PAL also, So there wont be any compatibility issues.
Yeas £300 Englsih Pounds of my hard earned cash!! Desparate times for desperate measures in that i promised my g/f one for her birthday and time was running out!!
Are Wii's still difficult to get hold of in the US? You only paid that much because everywhere over here is sold out of them at the moment because Christmas is coming up. Shame you didn't wait a couple of monts and got it for it's normal price of £179.99.
Yeah wasnt too happy with Paying this but as it was a gift i didnt have the option to wait!! (G/F's) never undersdtand the word wait!! :lol:
Sold my soul to the devil and tried buting one off e-bay. Was a winning bidder at £210 with £15 delivery but he obviously realised he could get more and mugged me off.
So as i'm new to the Wii phenomena what are the must haves for the collection and what are the turkeys to avoid?? Have Wii Sports as came with the Package but yet to invest further