EU VC update 14/09/07


WiiChat Member
May 15, 2006
Cardiff, Wales
Here's an odd update- we've got not one, but two previously Japan-only games! But as you might expect from Nintendo, there's a catch...

Super Mario Bros. 2 (Japan)-

Also known as Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, this is the proper sequel to Super Mario Bros. It's more of the same, but harder.
Note: This is the original NES version, without the better graphics from Super Mario All Stars.
Note 2: It costs 600 points instead of 500.
Note 3: This game will be removed at the end of September!

Mario's Super Picross-

Also previously unreleased in the West, it's nonogram (a popular type of puzzle somewhat similar to sudoku) with Mario thrown in. One for puzzle fans.
Note: It costs 900 points instead of 800.
Note 2: It's in Japanese.

Neutopia II-

Released surprisingly soon after it's predecessor (three weeks ago). It's a blatant Zelda rip-off, but what the heck? It's no less fun.

Nintendo officially gets the award for dumbest idea of the year making SMB 2 (Japan) limited time only.
I understand why Super Mario 2 is more expensive, since it's a limited time offer, but why the heck would an untranslated picross game be 900 points?
SMB2 is an awesome game for Super Mario fanatics. For me, a 20 year nintendo veteran, I prefer this one to the All Stars version. A couple years back I modded my XBOX1 and was able to load a Famicom emulator complete with SMB2 Japan. Great game. Lots of fun. Highly recommended.
I wonder if we will get those 2 japanese games next week on monday... if we do, ill definitely get the super mario bros 2 japan game since its gonna be like until the end of month of sept 31st.
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Update: More previously unreleased-in-Europe games have been announced for the rest of the month, apparently in celebration of the Japanese Hanabi festival:

21st September:
Ninja Gaiden (NES) [I thought this did come out here?]
Ninja Jajamaru-kun (NES)

28th September:
Sin and Punishment (N64)
Gradius III (SNES)

Looking forward to Sin and Punishment myself, after the fun I had with Gunstar Heroes.

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