Error Code 8100030d!? Help me with my MSN...


God Complex
Feb 16, 2007
Liverpool, UK
Wii Online Code
So I was happily typing away in my internet land a pretty lengthy reply to one of Wiired's comments on my profile when MSN automatically signed me out. Then I hit the reply button and I wasn't logged in. My internet regularly signs me out, I just have to wait a few minutes to sign back on, but nothing would get me to log onto MSN at all. I tried a few things Jam suggested but they weren't even working. Angered I went downstairs to attack a pizza.

Then I came back upstairs, it still isn't working, WiiChat keeps logging me out every time I close the window and MSN won't even log me in. I'm lonely in my house and need to somehow procrastinate whilst doing my art homework.

Help much? I've looked up the error code but that gave me some japanese and spanish sites, I don't know if you guys can find anything.
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Byuakuya, you are amazing.

Feel free to destroy of this thread now. ¬¬

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