Epic RP Idea


Sonic expert
Jan 25, 2009
Wii Online Code
So I was wanting to start up an RP since I'm back and I'm torn between Seekers and this other idea I have.

So, here is the idea, and I'll let you RPers decide.

Now over the years I've had tons of ideas for movies, games, comics and all that and with all the creative fellas here I was pretty sure you guys have had ideas too. So, my idea was that we make an RP that takes some of our best main characters from series we made in the past, bring them together, and pit them against their worst enemies who has also teamed up to defeat the heroes.

What do you guys think?


I like the idea of original characters, though :)
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...that was for video game characters, I was wanting to give the guys a chance to share their ideas they've had for characters of their own and have a great RP while doing it.

I mean, maybe its just me, but the characters I've created, characters iv worked on since I was 8 years old are really important to me as I thought everyone else feel the same about theirs, so I thought this idea would be pretty awesome for the guys
...that was for video game characters, I was wanting to give the guys a chance to share their ideas they've had for characters of their own and have a great RP while doing it.

I mean, maybe its just me, but the characters I've created, characters iv worked on since I was 8 years old are really important to me as I thought everyone else feel the same about theirs, so I thought this idea would be pretty awesome for the guys

I was just teasing :) No matter what idea you suggested, I would've compared it to the Alternate Plot because I'm annoying like that. I love this idea :)

I don't know if I'll be able to contribute, though, as the actual work in which my characters exist has been kind of demanding my attention. Which is kind of a bummer, because this looks like it could be a ton of fun.

Depending on the amount of schoolwork I get in the next few weeks, I might actually sign up.
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I figured most of us would. If we do this one I best go over a few things.

6 characters each. Choose 3 different “series” you've came up with before. Choose the main hero and villian from each series for the RP. You don't have to use all 3 slots for series but you must have a villian from the same series as the hero and vice versa.

Now, as for how these events came to pass,

In the world of one of my series, Magicians Legacy, the battle between the good of light and the evil of dark wizardry rages on between the two powerful magicians Mortimar, a young boy that went from lowly apprentice to a master of the mystic arts unusually fast, and Mr. Chaos, a magician possesed by a crazily insane god of the dark arts. In a last ditch effort to defeat Mortimar, Mr. Chaos summoned a evil being from another dimension. Defeated, Mortimar fled to retaliate and plan his next move. He searched other realms for anyone who could assist him in stopping this new, unfamiliar foe.
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He came across the dimension in whence the evil being came from and found a brave hero who had fought him before and was capable of defeating him. Mortimar wasted no time summoning the hero to his world. But with Mr. Chaos summoning more allies equally as threatening, Mortimar sets out to assemble the heroes of the other chosen dimensions in hopes of standing a chance against the new darkly formed group.
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So guys, this or seekers?

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