Enough with the word "Fanboy"


Special Olympics Medalist
Nov 21, 2006
Wii Online Code
I'm sick of reading the god-damn word "fanboy" every 10 lines on these forums. Its a stupid word that means nothing!? its the dumbest and easiest insult to throw around whenever someone says something you disagree with.

"PS3 sucks" = Shut up you're just a fanboy!
"wii sucks" = Shut up you're just a fanboy!
"360 sucks" = Shut up you're just a fanboy!

... you see where I'm going with this.
If you read this and can see what I'm saying then join my cause and ditch the use of the word fanboy.

If you disagree with this then you are just a f*cking fanboy of the word fanboy.
I'm not calling anyone a fanboy. Everyone calls me a fanboy.

I compleatly agree with you on this. You should never call someone a fanboy for dissagreeing with you.
You should never call someone a fanboy for dissagreeing with you.

Agree with that. (except on the spelling of disagreeing)
Problem is, Nfanboy, you constantly hijack threads by giving your opinion when it is not needed, and in a non-constructive manner.

Reading your posts, it seems like you don't listen to the posters' questions but just take every chance you have to defend Nintendo even when it is not necessary or asked.

The day you stop being offensive, irrelevant and you stop plaguing informative threads with useless comments, you will see people stop calling you like that.

Sorry about the rant but this forum has a great potential for information/experience sharing, but people like you make many a thread painful to read, I think it's a shame.

In most cases the word "fanboy" is misused, I agree. But in some cases it is completely justified. Nfanboy, PM me for some example of your fanboyism if you didn't get my point, there are plenty.
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By fanboy I intend to incorporate the words fanboy, fangirl, fanman, fanwoman, fantransexual, fanladyboy, fanhermaphrodite or any other variations of person that the word fan can be placed in front of.
i dont understand "fanboy" either and probably never will. however, EVERY forum has their own stupid word that they throw out there to "insult" someone.

anyways, fanboy isnt that bad of a word though. so personally, id rather have someone call me a "fanboy" weither they use the word correctly or not than some other negative vulgar word.

so bottom line, if someone calls you a "fanboy" for prefering a certain system over whats discussed then F* it. why does it really matter? theres worse out there they can call you

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