Topware Interactive’s announcement at the beginning of April that they were working on a Wii version of Enclave: Shadows of Twilight was very well received indeed, so their confirmation of a June release slot for the game is doubtless going to make a lot of people very happy. Topware has also launched a new teaser site for the game at www.enclave-game.com. There’s not much there at the moment except for a large forbidding man in armour, but doubtless more content will be added the closer we get to the release date.

The Wii version of the RPG classic has received an expansive overhaul, including improved AI, renovated game systems, and Wii Remote motion support. The game links the best features of the award-winning PC version with the unique possibilities provided by the Wii, taking the fantasy RPG universe of Enclave to a completely new level. The player can now use the Wii Remote to experience the game’s many sword fights more realistically than ever before.

Many scripted events* which take place continuously* in the game also guarantee unique moments of surprise – walls suddenly collapse, window glass shatters as an enemy jumps through it to attack you, powder kegs explode – and it all adds up to a nerve-wracking experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat come June.