Ello, New to the forums


Wii60 Fanboy
Apr 25, 2007
Aurora, CO
Wii Online Code
Hey, Of course I am new to the forums. Looks like a great community here and thought I would help this promising site grow. Got my Wii a few days ago and all I can say it is a blast to play with friends.

Also does the Wii user name I give to people have to be my Console name?
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Jasper said:
Hey, Of course I am new to the forums. Looks like a great community here and thought I would help this promising site grow. Got my Wii a few days ago and all I can say it is a blast to play with friends.

Also does the Wii user name I give to people have to be my Console name?

Hey there Jasper!

Welcome to the forum.

To answer your question the only thing you need to tell people is your console number.. .. ..
from the main wii menu, click wii(bottom right) then the paper and pen (bottom left) then the address book. finally click on the blue left arrow to reveal the front cover of your address book and your 16 digit wii number.

As for names, well, you can decide what you want to call us!
Welcome to the forums Jasper :)

Hope you enjoy your stay here. Have fun with the Wii.

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