EA's Origin app for Wii U


WiiChat Member
Feb 4, 2009
Hi, I started a petition on the EA's forum and customer support to bring an app for Wii U as Ubisoft did with Uplay. An app that gives you rewards for completing achievements in your games like Mass Effect, Madden NFL, NFS, and many more core franchises. I like the Uplay app, so I hope EA does the same with Origin.

Why would you want more **** on the WiiU?
I like the idea, but I'd prefer it if Nintendo creates a unified achievements app, like what the Xbox has.
Achievements/trophies are semi-dumb, things'a that nature should just be put in the bloody game as is. Like the frontiersmen/hunting society/whatever challenges in AC:III, those were all put in without a need for some sort'a achievement system.

... As for the actual topic at hand, Wii U needz moar uplay. I mean ****, look at the names. Wii U Play? It's ****in' marketing genius, they'l make millions.
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Why would you want more **** on the WiiU?

Well, if you know Crytek CEO Cevat Yerly said that "Crisis 3 won't come to Wii U for the LACK of an agreement between Nintendo and EA", they want to develop the game for Wii U, but someone has to publish it. I think this is because the EA lack of support due to Origin didn't migrate to Wii U as Uplay did. They are anger, Nintendo didn't allow them to do that. Nintendo must allow it to happen, if not we would left out some of the best EA core games. I'm afraid that Battlefield 4 would not come to Wii U too, I hope it is not the case. The Origin app will not affect the Wii U owner preferences, if you want this app simply donwload it, if not, just don't do it otherwise.

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