Earthbound for Wii.


"It's pancake time!"
Mar 3, 2008
Wii Online Code
I am a strong believer on giving the game developers time to develop a good game. I just think that Earthbound is not on there minds anymore. Sure Mother 3 in Japan (Earthbound 2 in the states) was supposed to come out for the N64. It did not. I hate that. I long to fight crazy bag ladies and the Happy Happiest Clan. Am i the only want waiting for Ness to make his return? ( other than smash bros). Please tell me that i am not alone in this.
you're not alone, but nintendo aren't going to revive every single franchise
i personally don't think america is going to see any earthbound related game for a while......i think series like kid icarus and golden sun stand more of a chance
It will never happen. I'd even wager that Earthbound for the SNES will never see the light of day on VC (or GBA for that matter).
Earthbound 4 Wii??

I'm 25 and I've mastered Earthbound on SNES and it would be not only one of the SICKEST games to come out for the Wii Console (if they did it right?) and I mean like... adapting the abilities of swinging the controller each time as needed? and think of the multi-player abilites??? We are talking HUGE people!!! And "the scipt for the game could be written!!" They did that in Liberty City!!!! All they did was apply the audio and 2-D graphics and storyline to a 3-D version??

AND BAM!!!!!!

New Game~

Funny thing is? With the Wii????? You could have multi-player...since Earthbound is already a multi-character game. And second, apply the Wii's technology to the attack abilities in the game of Earthbound!
Did the DS release of Mother3 ever make it over here to the US? I don't know, but I wish it did.

Earthbound was awesome! It was the first RPG I ever actually finished.

I'd like to see the series get a chance in the US again.

Also, can we get Mother (the first one) on VC? Please?
My Japanese is NOWHERE near good enough to play RPGs untranslated.
hmm? never heard of mother? or mother 3.. guess Im not that advanced when it comes to RPG's but I did beat Earthbound no prob! Somebody once told me that it was alot like Final Fantasy.. but I've never played any of those either!! I just think that if Wii wanted to really get people playing some multiplayer RPG's and maybe even utilizing the Mii's?? Earthbound would be a great game for it> not to mention the crazy worlds that could be developed in 3-D! Earthbound's game is ideal for a platform to takeoff from especially for the Wii system! Imagine using PSI attacks and swinging one-by-one with each character as you attack?
I think that Wii should take a second look at this game and possibly others when it comes to multiplayer action! Even if you are playing solo? The thought of no longer letting the comp doing all the work makes me want to beat it all over again a 3rd time!

tommyinhi said:
hmm? never heard of mother? or mother 3.. guess Im not that advanced when it comes to RPG's but I did beat Earthbound no prob! Somebody once told me that it was alot like Final Fantasy.. but I've never played any of those either!! I just think that if Wii wanted to really get people playing some multiplayer RPG's and maybe even utilizing the Mii's?? Earthbound would be a great game for it> not to mention the crazy worlds that could be developed in 3-D! Earthbound's game is ideal for a platform to takeoff from especially for the Wii system! Imagine using PSI attacks and swinging one-by-one with each character as you attack?
I think that Wii should take a second look at this game and possibly others when it comes to multiplayer action! Even if you are playing solo? The thought of no longer letting the comp doing all the work makes me want to beat it all over again a 3rd time!


For those who don't know, The game released in English as Earthbound was originally titled 'Mother2' in Japan.

The First game in the series was Mother.
Earthbound was the sequal, Mother2.
Originally planned for the 64, and later released for the DS, the latest game in the series is Mother3.

Mother is used in the sense of 'Mother Earth'.

They are awesome games, and I wish that they would release 1 & 3 in the US, and Re-release 2(Earthbound) while they're at it.






These are some fake images of "Earthbound Wii" from a while back...

Doesn't it look awesome though? They should take these images as inspiration and make it.

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