Wii U Daily reports that EA Sports’ David Rutter, who is executive producer for FIFA 13, has been talking to CVG about his experiences working on the Wii U version of the game. “It’s pretty exciting actually. I’ve been talking to a bunch of the guys about the games that they’re working on here, and about what they want to do with Wii U or with SmartGlass and stuff like that.” Rutter told CVG that the developers have been working on ways to integrate the Wii U GamePad in their games, although he wouldn’t be drawn specifically on talking about how the touch-screen controller will be used in FIFA 13. You can just imagine for yourselves though, using the GamePad to plan tactics and organize substitutes while the game continues on-screen. As for those other games that EA Sports is working on for Wii U, Wii U Daily says that Madden 13 is a definite for the new console, and NBA Live 13 is also rumoured.
Source: http://wiiudaily.com/2012/07/ea-sports-is-excited-about-the-wii-u/