dunno wht form to put it under


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Hi, once again I don't know what form to put this under but i'm thinking on buying a ps3 or a 360 but i'm still keeping my wii. its either 360 or ps3, what makes some of you bu a 360 or ps3, what features on them do you like?
whats the bloodiest game of those consoles? how many movies can you save or do they provide for the 360 or ps3? whats the deal about this game called Halo? its like unreal tournament i hear. Whats the diff between HD and Blu-ray? Is there a diff between the castlevania sotn for 360 vs the ps1 version? any new stuff konami added on the 360 version? Whats bloodier god of war games or the conan games. I want games of senseless violence.
What games pushes its limits of numerest amounts of violence, sexuality and stuff like that, and oter games bsides the GTA games pushes its limits.
the wii is a very sweet system but i wanna buy another one besides nintendo.
of course i have bought ps1, dreamcast and game gear. Please try to help.
Senseless violence you say?

I'd go for the XBox 360 for game like Halo 3, Mass Effect, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, BioShock, The Orange Box...I could go on forever. The PS3 also has great shooters but the 360 has more of a variety.

As for Blu-Ray and HD, Blu-Ray is a notch above HD and is built in with the PS3. Both HD and Blu-Ray will look fantastic on an HDTV.

Hope that helps you out a bit.
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If i were you and could easily aford ps3 then definitely go for that
But if it is snseless violence then id agree with fr
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So it does make a diff btween HD and Blue-ray? Besides senseless violence what feature on ps3 or 360 do any of u like. i wwanna be a wii360 also or wiistation3.
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So it does make a diff btween HD and Blue-ray? Besides senseless violence what feature on ps3 or 360 do any of u like. i wwanna be a wii360 also or wiistation3.
Well, I like the XBox Live feature on the XBox 360 since it offers excellent online play. However, it will cost you each year. On the other hand, the PS3 has a free online service called PSNetwork. Both offer downloadable content as well as personal gamer tags.
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for movies, how many movies online do they have for ps3 and 360?
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if i did buy ps3 i hear it has a web browser, is it better or worst than the wii version? can i plug my keyboard and mouse in a ps3 and webcam? is that pssibable? Whats the RROD on 360?
i say a ps3 because free online, the bluetooth headset that comes with either warhawk or resistance i can't remember, and some games to be on the ps3 this year.
castlezelda said:
for movies, how many movies online do they have for ps3 and 360?
Both can play play DVDs. The PS3 has a built-in Blu-Ray player and the XBox 360 has an optional external HD DVD drive which goes for $129.99.

PS3 is the Better and more relIable console.

But only get that if your willing to settle for around 5 decent games for a while, until the big dogs come out (MGS4, Resistance 2, FF13, GTA 4)

But if you love online gaming go for 360. but trust me 360 is **** without online, PS3 has decent online aswell.

So if online is your game 360
PS3 if online is nice but you want a great reliablw console
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what do u play more ps3, 360 or wii? How more violent is conan compared to gods of war?

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