Dry Erase DOES NOT Work!!


Wii Fanatic
Dec 7, 2006
Indiana, USA
Wii Online Code
I'm sure all of you here on this forum are more intelligent than myself and thus have not tried to write with a dry erase marker on your Wii -- but sadly, in a fit of joy, I got over excited and tried such a thing (having heard on the internet that it was possible -- and gosh, everything you read on the internet is TRUE, right???). FYI, IT DOESN'T WORK.

I wrote with a blue dry erase marker and seconds later, tried to erase it with my finger just to be sure and it was INSTANTLY set. I was like holy crap.

Now, if I scrub really hard it does come off (although there are small stains of blue). My friend also suggested I try nail polish remover, and I also have goof off at home I want to try too.

Anyway, just a heads up to all you wii fans out there :)
i heard about the dry erase marker thing also. however if you read more about it, they say to use a wet cloth to wipe it away
Ugh! My mom taught me at age 4 not to write on my toys with markers and crayons!

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