Dragonball Z Kai (4kids edit) on Toonzai


WiiChat Member
Mar 15, 2011
I happened to be up yesterday and caught of all things DBZ Kai on Toonzai.

If you thought the Nicktoons version was drasticly censored, unlike the orginal DBZ that aired on Toonami 12 years ago... Well then, take a look at this and thank 4pricks for all everything they've (horribly!!!) done to it!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!

List of edits from the Toonzai version of DBZ Kai i've seen:

When Chautzu and Nappa explode, they turn into fairy dust.

Golden discs replace halos.

Mr Popo is BLUE?! (****!!!)

The farmer fires his LAZAR gun (yes, i'm not kidding) at Raditz.

Hell is mentioned as the "Other World", and they mention "demensions" (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, Saban/Ocean studios dub)

Spirt BLAST and Galic BLAST

When one of the Sabamen explode on Yamcha, he mourns in pain but Krillin says he's OK till he announces "He's going to other world" (WTF?!!)

Unilke the Nicktoons version which turns the blood into sweat drips, this version has no blood, sweat and scratches at all (yup kids, if you hit someone, they'll never get hurt! Good one 4kids, GOOD ONE!!)

Master Roshi's cup of milk in the Nicktoons version is still there.

In one of the scenes where the gang is on the ship to Namek, Bulma is seen wearing PJ's instead of a bare bra ans panites ("-_-")

Here's what I'ver heard they did in later epsiodes I haven't seen yet:

in the epsiode where Trunks battles Mecha Frieza, when trunks wips out his sword it's a muthafukin LAZAR SWORD!!!! (EG, worst use of CGI EVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

And they don't show Trunks sliceing through freeza, it just cuts to him using his finishing blast to "send" Frieza "to the other world for evil people" (yes, there's fairy dust in this sequence also. JUST CANT GET ENOUGH OF THAT, CAN YA!!!!!)

Cell asorbs people and the andriods "To trap them in his dimension and become more powerfull than ever"

That's all i've seen so far. Glad i'm up at night to catch the Nicktoons version (which is of better quality I must say). I know there's the DVDs and Blu Rays, but i'm far too lazy to get them right now and my sister says we can only get DVDs if they're from the libaray, mainly because she thinks we watch them only once and it's a waist of money.
You must be new here. It's happened for at least 20+ years. 4kids has done nothing that other tv networks haven't done.
Considering that Kai its self was edited and cut down im not surprised it got butchered more
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You must be new here. It's happened for at least 20+ years. 4kids has done nothing that other tv networks haven't done.

At least other TV networks didn't make Popo blue and ppl exolpde into fairy dust in the orginal DBZ when they aired it.

Those edits were just rediclious!! but hey, 4kids delivers "holesome" content 4 pricks! Pun intended.
Let me see, Nicktoons Network is a cable channel.

CW is a local channel.

Ergo, they have to edit it.
I happened to be up yesterday and caught of all things DBZ Kai on Toonzai.

If you thought the Nicktoons version was drasticly censored, unlike the orginal DBZ that aired on Toonami 12 years ago... Well then, take a look at this and thank 4pricks for all everything they've (horribly!!!) done to it!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!

List of edits from the Toonzai version of DBZ Kai i've seen:

When Chautzu and Nappa explode, they turn into fairy dust.

Golden discs replace halos.

Mr Popo is BLUE?! (****!!!)

The farmer fires his LAZAR gun (yes, i'm not kidding) at Raditz.

Hell is mentioned as the "Other World", and they mention "demensions" (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, Saban/Ocean studios dub)

Spirt BLAST and Galic BLAST

When one of the Sabamen explode on Yamcha, he mourns in pain but Krillin says he's OK till he announces "He's going to other world" (WTF?!!)

Unilke the Nicktoons version which turns the blood into sweat drips, this version has no blood, sweat and scratches at all (yup kids, if you hit someone, they'll never get hurt! Good one 4kids, GOOD ONE!!)

Master Roshi's cup of milk in the Nicktoons version is still there.

In one of the scenes where the gang is on the ship to Namek, Bulma is seen wearing PJ's instead of a bare bra ans panites ("-_-")

Here's what I'ver heard they did in later epsiodes I haven't seen yet:

in the epsiode where Trunks battles Mecha Frieza, when trunks wips out his sword it's a muthafukin LAZAR SWORD!!!! (EG, worst use of CGI EVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

And they don't show Trunks sliceing through freeza, it just cuts to him using his finishing blast to "send" Frieza "to the other world for evil people" (yes, there's fairy dust in this sequence also. JUST CANT GET ENOUGH OF THAT, CAN YA!!!!!)

Cell asorbs people and the andriods "To trap them in his dimension and become more powerfull than ever"

That's all i've seen so far. Glad i'm up at night to catch the Nicktoons version (which is of better quality I must say). I know there's the DVDs and Blu Rays, but i'm far too lazy to get them right now and my sister says we can only get DVDs if they're from the libaray, mainly because she thinks we watch them only once and it's a waist of money.

dont forget how they changed some voices on some characters like gohan, made his voice a little weird to me
dont forget how they changed some voices on some characters like gohan, made his voice a little weird to me
That was Funimation's call. 4Kids doesn't dub Kai.

Funimation is still dubbing it.

And according to sources, Gohan has the same English voice. But young Gohan has a different voice (Colleen Clinkenbeard), instead of Stephanie Nadolny.

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