Dragonball Z Budakai Tenkaichi 2


WiiChat Member
Feb 11, 2007
Does anyone really like DBZ Tenkaichi2 besides me me 'cause theres like no forums.Anyway this game is hard but AWESOME!If anyone wants to chat about it or has any cheats say it here!:D
I picked it up last weekend and played the beginning of the story mode but to be honest I'm struggling with the wiimote controls a bit. I just cant seem to get the timing right for dodging with the nunchuk plus I tend to bungle super moves alot so far. It seems fun but I just need to spend more time on it.
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Ya im on the 8th senario I think and ive already got like 25 more characters so its pretty easy to get guys that good,just takes a little bit to master controls p.s.Haywire ad me!
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Dude ive been a mii since feb 8th! but I only have sports and DBZ tenkaichi 2...
Well I traded in a bunch of B rated movies, junk games, and box sets at ebgames and picked up Red Steel, Excite Bike, and Raving Rabids for $4 after credit. My other games I picked up on my new Best Buy card when I got the Wii which willb epaid off this weekend when income taxes come back in so thats the only reason why I have so many games. I have not used many features on the wii so soon as I look into how to add someone I'll add you.
Hey guys just wanted to post in here to show you that you're not alone. BTW I have it for the PS2 and it's fun on there.
i have it for Wii and I love the game, it's better than all the other ones. to unlock characters you need to beat the game and also fusion the spheres you obtain as you progress into the game
ive played it once on my friends ps2 was great he went as pan and i went as super buu
well i pwned him i turned him into chocolate twice then i turn into gotenks buu and hit him with some super ghosts that was awsome
I love this game. I got it on launch day, I've pretty much stopped playing single player now that I have enough [Tenkaichi] Titles for 10 maxed out fighters, but my friends and I play it all the time. I'm the only one who uses the Wii controls, they just use classic controllers. I just hope they release the next one pretty soon with some online play.

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