Downloading Saves


Jul 17, 2006
Do you think once the wii is released and wiiconnect 24 is up and running that you will be able to put your wii saves on the net so other people can download them and play a 100% game, when you don't want to figure out a puzzle on your own game. or you could upload one to prove to your friends or people you know that you are further in a game than them

i think that would be great
didnt they do that with the Xbox? thats stupid because then people are lazy and just download a part of the game is too "difficult" for them and not get the full experience. as for your friends, you could just use the SD cards to get memory from your wii and go to a friends house and load it there.
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Mr_Stoukaph said:
didnt they do that with the Xbox? thats stupid because then people are lazy and just download a part of the game is too "difficult" for them and not get the full experience. as for your friends, you could just use the SD cards to get memory from your wii and go to a friends house and load it there.

never thought of that but they could have it so it checks your wii to see how far along in the game you are and whether you should be allowed to download a save
the only cool saves would be if there was a cool/funny glitch in the game. then you could just download that part and have fun with it
I think is very stupid too... why someone would want to download a part that is too difficult, Im never going to do that
Well, if they allow you to save games on SD cards or USB devices, with or without using WiiConnect24, it'll be easy to share game saves.

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