does Wii output HD ?


WiiChat Member
Jun 8, 2009
my sister has got a HD readsy 720p/1080i TV and is using the Wii AV cable (yellow/white/red) and she says the picture/quality doesnt seem right or as good as the TV (SKY)... she says its better than on her old CRT TV..

on eBay they sell COMPONENT cables claiming to display your wii to 720p or 1080i - but ive read elsewhere this isnt true...but the cable WILL improve the picture quality...

can anyone advise please?

(ive not seen the pic quality myself)

The cable will improve your picture quality but the Wii itself does not output an HD signal. You may find that the "impoved" quality is actually more jaggy and revert back to the included AV cable.
Wii's arent HD compatible. thats the truth. and i've done the same thing as her. i put my wii on my 1080i plasma and the result was a bad quality graphics. i put it back on my LCD tv and it looks normal. trust me, the Wii can't do HD. the ebay person is full of ****
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Wii's arent HD compatible. thats the truth. and i've done the same thing as her. i put my wii on my 1080i plasma and the result was a bad quality graphics. i put it back on my LCD tv and it looks normal. trust me, the Wii can't do HD. the ebay person is full of ****

bad pic on PDP but same on LCD...?

anyhow she is using an LCD ...

should i advise the use of component? theyre only £3 with free P&P on eBay
heres the persons advert that claims they output 720p/1080i|39:1|72:1687|240:1308|301:1|293:1|294:50

also according to reviews on amazon its cos people arent setting the Wii and TV up properly is why they get **** picture... you got to set 480p progressive to get rid of INTERLACING JAGGY EDGES and set the TV correctly aswell...
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Yes, component cable is the best way to hook up the Wii to an HDTV.

No, you will not get 720p/1080i resolution. The Wii will only output 480i/480p. You can only set 480p using the component cable.

You will still get some noticeable jaggies with component. This is mostly due to poor anti-aliasing from the Wii and/or lack of anti-aliasing programmed into the game (some games look better than others as far as fewer jaggies go). It is also due to displaying a 480p picture on a higher resolution screen. Some HDTV's have better upscaling than others, which is why you will read reports of some people saying the component makes it look worse or better (poor upscaling results in more jaggies).

The component cable will definitely give you a much crisper picture and better colors, with the caveat that jaggies may be more apparent (since the picture is much clearer/crisp via progressive, they stand out more than the blurry interlaced imaged)
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The best the Wii can do in HD is using an upscaler. Although that is just about it.
Ok i have a question to ask here since you guys seems to know a lot about it.

I have a Wii and a real crappy TV. 480i or some crap. its STV.

I want to get an HD TV for the upcoming console's. I also read that the Wii looks way better in 480p than 480i. But i dont want a non-HD tv because i dont wanna have to go out and get a better TV in the near future.

Now i was thinking, for my bedroom, a 32in 720p. Would that be good for my situation? Will the Wii look good on it? And is a 32in 720p TV not ganna be obsolite, sorry cant spell, in a year or 3?

Thanks for any info you can give me.
the wii can't handle picture quality better then 480p/480i. anythihg higher will make the picture look wrong. get an upscaling component and it will still look wrong. there is no way to make the Wii look ok in HD. at least until Nintendo does something, which it won't

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