D DEAN616 Account On Hold Sep 23, 2007 40 0 Feb 24, 2008 #1 Somethimes when i turn on a game the screen will go blank and it says error please eject disc then reset. Does anyone else get this sometimes?
Somethimes when i turn on a game the screen will go blank and it says error please eject disc then reset. Does anyone else get this sometimes?
N Nwe1024 The Master Feb 24, 2008 40 1 NJ Wii Online Code 5198-3459-3393-8195 Feb 24, 2008 #2 It appears at the most random times occasionally. But everyone has it appear at least once.us Just reset the Wii
It appears at the most random times occasionally. But everyone has it appear at least once.us Just reset the Wii
CantGetAWii WiiChat Member Dec 22, 2006 6,419 62 WiiChat Wii Online Code 3099-0319-5478-2979 Feb 24, 2008 #3 It doesn't happen for me when I am playing Wi Games. It tends to occur when I play Gamecube games, mainly because my NHL 06 disc is kinda beat up.
It doesn't happen for me when I am playing Wi Games. It tends to occur when I play Gamecube games, mainly because my NHL 06 disc is kinda beat up.
B btcollier I like pie. Nov 21, 2006 19 0 Labrador City, Newfoundland. Feb 24, 2008 #4 Never happened to me...
xxmarioxx WiiChat Member Aug 13, 2007 111 0 NJ, USA Wii Online Code 8340-4296-5417-5503 Feb 24, 2008 #5 Happened once, and it was a disc error.
K KTIGZ Dirty Jerz. Jan 6, 2008 281 6 New Jersey (201), USA Wii Online Code 0795-8922-4951-2684 Feb 25, 2008 #6 Nope never . If it occurs more then often,you should check if its the disk if not call nintendo up and tell them about it, you wanna get all the errors in your Wii fixed before your warrenty is over.
Nope never . If it occurs more then often,you should check if its the disk if not call nintendo up and tell them about it, you wanna get all the errors in your Wii fixed before your warrenty is over.
S Seanmc WiiChat Member Dec 16, 2006 20 0 Feb 25, 2008 #7 Strangely we had this happen to use for the first time yesterday....Seems okay now