Do you know this NES game title?


The Voice of Reason...
Jan 2, 2008
Wheaton, Illinois
Hey everyone,

I am trying to remember the name of an NES game that I played probably about 16 years ago or so. I can remember very little about the game save for a few tid bits and I have no clue at all as to the title. If anyone on here can advise me based on the following description, you'll be my hero!

-Game seemed to take place in a mine shaft type took lifts deeper into the place as you progressed.

-Keys were collected to move on - I seem to remember there being red and blue ones...this may be inaccurate though.

-The game was a 2-D view from straight-on (like a side scroller, but I don't remember if it in fact did scroll left-to-right. It did scroll up and down as you got deeper in.)

-I remember something to the extent of a gargoyle-esque head on a wall that may or may not have shot fire balls at one point earlier on in the game.

That's all I can remember now...if you would like to throw out questions/suggestions, I'll be happy to respond or tell you if you got it. Thanks a bunch! I really would love to figure this one out!
Solomon's Key?


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