Do we have any homebrewers here?


Moody Loner
Dec 26, 2006
Wii Online Code
I am looking into buying the M3 DS Simply, with 1gb MSD card - when it is released in the UK...

I am very new to DS but homebrew even more so - does anyone have some good advice into what's out there please.

I am mainly interested in free apps which enable the DS to do more - gadgets if you like and if there are some free games out there even better.

I really am not interested in copying released games [I can afford the originals] but I'm fairly sure that Moonshell is included which does have a MP3 player on it - but if anyone can lead me to some good sites [pay or free] and start me off because I so think that the DS can be made so much better by the people who actually use it and not manufacture...

Any help appreciated.
get a r4ds its almost the same as m3 but people seam to perfer it also go here for homebrew games and emulators are located down the left bar and apps down the right bars.
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Thanks for the reply - one more question, are there many ways you can f*** the ds up using the homebrew hardware / software.

I realise that malicious code is always an issue when dloading off the net but can the DS be reset somehow if anything does go awry?
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The Fifth said:
I homebrew beer does that count??

Only if you can ship a shed load of it to Norway, please!!

It's quite expensive in case you hadn't heard LOL - There is a bar in Oslo it's a mere £7 a pint...:yesnod:
Rolex said:
Only if you can ship a shed load of it to Norway, please!!

It's quite expensive in case you hadn't heard LOL - There is a bar in Oslo it's a mere £7 a pint...:yesnod:

Crap I can go to a local pub on Tuesday nights and get Pints of Guiness, Bass, newcastle,Stella,etc. $1.75. Every week and $ .25 Wings too.
I suggest DSOrganize.
It's a multipurpose tool.
Has a browser (With delete, create folder, rename tools so you don't have to take out your MicroSD card)
Better at viewing pictures than Moonshell.
Has a basic calculator
To-do lists
Basically a PDA for your DS

Also, DSAim, and BeUp live for your AIM and MSN on the go needs.
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Trulen said:
I suggest DSOrganize.
It's a multipurpose tool.
Has a browser (With delete, create folder, rename tools so you don't have to take out your MicroSD card)
Better at viewing pictures than Moonshell.
Has a basic calculator
To-do lists
Basically a PDA for your DS

Also, DSAim, and BeUp live for your AIM and MSN on the go needs.

Are you using it with R4Ds? I have tried the latest build and just can't get it to run - I even attempted dldi. I'm not overly bothered but I do like to try as much as I can.

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