

Oct 3, 2007
Wii Online Code
OK, my friend and I are at an impasse. Here's the conversation:
KorethX (1:46:12 AM): actually it has less than 360
primuscoligula (1:46:08 AM): shut upplay wii baseball
KorethX (1:46:30 AM): b/c the wiimote has to face the sensor bar
KorethX (1:46:54 AM): so it is more like 180
primuscoligula (1:46:40 AM): you can rotate the damned bat 360 degrees, and when you tilt it when its bunting, itmoves forward and backward
primuscoligula (1:46:53 AM): i meant the mote itself
primuscoligula (1:46:54 AM): like
primuscoligula (1:47:02 AM): it can sense exactly which way its pointing
primuscoligula (1:47:14 AM): which is partially how the sensor bar works
KorethX (1:47:41 AM): that can be done with six axis
primuscoligula (1:47:40 AM): because when you hold the wiimote upside down when you are using candles at a sensor bar, it still shows that it is upside down
primuscoligula (1:47:56 AM): because it can tell that its upside down
primuscoligula (1:48:15 AM): and it can tell at exactly which point it is in that 360 degree field
primuscoligula (1:48:25 AM): hence being able to turn the finger on the screen
primuscoligula (1:48:37 AM): see?????
primuscoligula (1:48:41 AM): 360 degrees
primuscoligula (1:49:20 AM): dont argue with me, cuz i got bored and figured it all out yesterday
primuscoligula (1:49:23 AM): XD
KorethX (1:49:51 AM): if you take away the sensor bar it can only sense tilt
primuscoligula (1:49:50 AM): but it can sense where it is tilting
primuscoligula (1:49:56 AM): like on sonic
primuscoligula (1:50:00 AM): it knows its upside down
KorethX (1:50:18 AM): so can six axis
KorethX (1:50:24 AM): that is what six axis is
primuscoligula (1:50:11 AM): and it knows when it is only partially upside down
primuscoligula (1:50:23 AM): yeah
primuscoligula (1:50:30 AM): but then turn the wii mote to the sensor bar
primuscoligula (1:50:36 AM): and it does more than the six axis can do
primuscoligula (1:50:56 AM): so its better
primuscoligula (1:50:59 AM): =]
primuscoligula (1:51:04 AM): seeeeeee
primuscoligula (1:51:08 AM): im telling you
primuscoligula (1:51:09 AM): 360
KorethX (1:51:26 AM): but it has to be faceing the sensor bar which makes it 180 to do the better thin gs
KorethX (1:51:32 AM): thigs*
primuscoligula (1:51:31 AM): but while its facing it can turn all the way around
primuscoligula (1:51:44 AM): and do six axis while facing the snsor bar
primuscoligula (1:52:04 AM): the mote knows all
primuscoligula (1:52:07 AM): it sees all
primuscoligula (1:52:14 AM): muahahahaha

Which one of us is right?
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Also, is there anyone else who thinks that it would be great if they marketed a keyboard that plugged into the wiimote? so much better than pointing and clicking...
Well considering that you talk to much and didn't give the other person enough reasons to state their opinion then by default you win.

- keyboard would be nice if it will enable me to communicate by typing to my teammates in MOH. If not then no keyboard b/c its not that hard to type in a web address or send grandma a note by clicking. Also, it will add to the whole couch-potato thing and we dont want that. Wii want you to click, rumble, repeat.
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Lol, he's not very talkative either way.
As far as I know Wii sports doesn't use the sensor bad except for the menus. and the Wii now has USB keyboard support even if its wireless :p

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