did you like halo 1 better than Halo 2

yes. if you ever played halo1 online on XBC then you would agree. the wepons are better (no sword! w00T!) the FoV (Field of View) is larger (halo1 was 90 degrees and halo2 is 40) the explosions are WAY better (warthog jumping anyone?) the multiplayer actualy required skill! and last but not least, the pistol
I'd have to say Halo 1 was better than Halo 2. If Bungie were to re-release an online edition of Halo 1 I'd defidently buy it again. Some things that made it better were health bars, faster running, the game had more ballence, when you respawned you actually had good weapons and not that useless SMG, the game was very ballenced and tides could easily overturn. Ex. The other team has sniper, shotgun, and rockets. Well if you know what you're doing you can defidently take over. I also like how frags could be a 1 hit kill, I'm such an asshole with those in Halo 1 :)
Hybrid said:
Did you like HAlo 1 over HAlo 2? why?
I liked Halo 1 better for single player but Halo 2 better for multiplayer, halo 2 single player feels dragged on and it mainly focused on multiplayer anyways
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not if yur a graphics guy

I liked Halo 1 better - but that's because I play it on a PC. I play with extra maps and weapons and online. I also play custom maps and in clans. Oh, and there are far less pre-buscent pricks online playing Halo PC than there are online on XBL playing H2.

That being said, I won't be able to make a fair comparison until H2V comes out. With DX10 and Windows Live!, it's sure to kick ass. HPC suffered from the worst port in the history of gaming, and has no AA or ASF support - not to mention the graphics engine is terribly inefficient (I get better framerates on HL2:Ep1.

As for the story - I loved the first Halo because it was so intriguing, and I love the second one because it fleshed out the covenant more. I can't say one is better than the other with any degree of conviction, but I can say that I have enjoyed the first one more.
I agree that Halo 1 was all about the storyline, and it sort of pulled you in this world. Multiplayer was also pretty good but it missed that certain something. Halo 2 sort of had the story, but in my opinion, paying as the elite mainly killed it, becuase the game is focused around Master Chief, and it should stay like that. Multiplayer was perfected and the certain something, is the ability to play with ANYONE, at your disposal. With the Xbox Live feature, like it just got better, becuase now you can play whenever, and theres always somebody on. I agree the multiplayer is still a bit rough on the edges (noobish swords) but hopefully in Halo 3 they bring the best of both games: A better storyline, and 2. a nearly perfect multiplayer.

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