Did you know, thread?

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I know, thats disgusting!

Did you know, Statistically people are more afraid of spiders than they are of death?

and another one!

Did you know, Elephants are the only mammals that cannot jump?
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l0l no i didnt know that
haha im just thinking of an elephant trying to jump hahah
Singhson said:
I know, thats disgusting!

Did you know, Statistically people are more afraid of spiders than they are of death?

and another one!

Did you know, Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump?

Elephants are the only mammal that cannot jump..

Surprisingly, turtles can't jump either.

And.. um..

A ball of grass will bounce higher than a ball of rubber


The average human will eat 8 spiders while sleeping. (Hahahahaha.. luckily I'm not human)
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well you can't lick your elbow...
did you know a crocodile can't stick it's tongue out?

so it can't lick it's elbow, for sure! :yesnod:
Did u know butterflies taste wit there feet


on average 100 people choke to death on ball points pens every year
Did you know that a giraffe has the same amount of bone in its neck as a human does.

did you know cows cant walk down stairs.
nic7 said:
Elephants are the only mammal that cannot jump..

Surprisingly, turtles can't jump either.

And.. um..

A ball of grass will bounce higher than a ball of rubber


The average human will eat 8 spiders while sleeping. (Hahahahaha.. luckily I'm not human)

Did you get that off the Mythbusters quiz (the one about spiders)? Me too.

Did you know that there's a conpsiracy that Lyndon B. Johnson had JFK assassinated, for many reason's among the most popular, that in the 1964 election JFK supposedly was going to drop him as his running mate, and ect.
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