Death Note confirmed for Adult Swim

I've been wondering what this show was like. It seems like a lot of people here really like it. What is it about?
the main character Light finds a notebook that has instructions in it. basicly it says that if you write someones name in it while having a picture of the person in your head they will die. he uses this to try and take over the world.
i wouldn't bother.. the NA VA for light has a really annoying voice :/ But id recommend for those who havent seen the JP version. good story
I'm really not all that excited over seeing it dubbed before I see it raw. =__=; *sigh* But that's what I get for putting off watching the darned thing for so long. Now I have a reason to watch Adult Swim again.

I haven't watched AS in... like 4 years or something. XP
nice deathnote was a great manga. too bad that they went for a more serious aproch.
chikupi said:
nice deathnote was a great manga. too bad that they went for a more serious aproch.

What do you mean by, "a more serious approach"? I though DN was meant to be a serious show/manga? :sick:
yes it is and that made it great but there were lots of time when i read it that there were a lot of funnies.......most likely with Ryuk
and when i say the anime they cut most of them out
They should change the voices on it.. and have Samuel L Jackson do the voice of the devil dude thingy.. wooooooot what would be awesome =]
Major Tom said:
Adult Swim announced today that Death Note will begin airing on October 20, 2007.
*phew* I was so scraed that Funimation and 4kids were going to try to pick this up, but luckily it will retain all of the profanity and blood.

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