Well im pretty certain that animal crossing for the wii has been announced as an MMO so i think you are wrong. Of course i may be wrong but i am pretty sure i am not.
as for brawl it will for sure be free because it is coming out way be for this takes place it comes in just a matter of weeks so we have nothing to worry about. Same goes for Mario Kart it comes out soon in Europe and it will be before this takes place.
I dont really see this as a bad thing just yet. We have no details on why they are doing this and what it will change... for all we know they could be fixing everything we have hated or rather some have hated about their online gaming. So i say give them time before you hate them for this...
Also, Why play online when your friends can play with you. I know you cant have people over all the time but i think we all know its more fun to play with your friends in the room with you. Online gaming should just be for those friends you have that live far away because of a move or something and down time if you get bored with single player action and cant have anyone over.