DBZ or elebits


WiiChat Member
Sep 20, 2006
Auzzie land (freo)
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right now ime looking more towards DBZ..
but all in all wich 1 do YOU think is better.
including, funnest multiplayer, longest game, how lonng till you get bored, funnest gameplay, AND SO ON.
they both got exactly the same review at IGN, lol..
hmmm i want both but if it's just 1

both are very repeditive dbz, punch kick, special move, repeat. Eledees zap zap zap etc. so dbz wins there.

multiplayer, with your gf Eledees, with mates dbz. so a tie.

dbz ahould have a way longer single player mode with different things to do if i remember from previous dbz games they are bloody long. dbz wins again

dbz most fun gameplay for sure, Eledees.. not too bad.

DBZ 4 Eledees

and dbz is made for teens not under 8 year olds
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Silent-Sniper said:
If you are 8 or under get DBZ if not get Elebits hands down.

i know what you mean when you think that DBZ is for kids, but the books are AWESOME and i played dbz tenkaichi 1 with my little couzin and its hell fun and can get really hard, abd is nearly impossible to master all the combos.

read this review from ign: http://wii.ign.com/articles/747/747251p1.html
ELEBITS! ELEBITS! dont fall for that shitty dbz 7 yr old ****! Get elebits! now!

EDIT: sorry for caps, the browser on my wii got messed up.us
wtf?? ive loved DBZ ever since it was aired in the US, i didnt get any of the past crappy Budokai games or TB 1 because of the bad reviews.

DBZ: TB 2 is by far the best game, a new DBZ game is coming for PS3 by the way.

get DBZ: TB 2 ONLY if u have ppl to play with, it gets boring by urself, n the game does support 480p *based on IGN.com review* but not 16:9. The only biggest disapointment about this game is that u have to stand up to play away from ur TV, like 5 feet max, otherwise it will go dark on screen saying 'please come closer to ur TV', n fighting isnt as depth as i would of hoped.
Silent-Sniper said:
If you are 8 or under get DBZ if not get Elebits hands down.

lol the anime show does have drugs, n blood in it, as well as crude language, uncut is always best to watch.

teh frog said:
ELEBITS! ELEBITS! dont fall for that shitty dbz 7 yr old ****! Get elebits! now!

DBZ: TB 2 is the bomb, good if u have other friends or family who love the show too; trust me i know :smilewinkgrin:

i have 4 little bros who love the show too so u can shut ur yape if u ever thing that DBZ is for kids!!!
I havent tryed Elebits but get BDZ for sure!.

Its amazing, the storymode is VERY long!, and u can live all the story once again. Its kinda hard to master the controls but once u did the trainings and that u practiced a bit you will quick become good ( i beat everything at master difficulty ).
This is not a punching game, its more of a waving the nunchuk and the mote.

A combo could be something like, Wave Nunchuck while holding Z, A-A-A-A-HOLDB, A-A-A-B+the analog down, B-B-A, then u do a spell on him, Hold Z+B, Wave nunchuk twice and move Mote forward.

Its pretty cool. And A big PLUS, if you like rpg game. You need to level your character, my Vegeta is level 122. You deceide if you prefer having a stronger physical attak, speed, KI, Blast1 , Blast2, Health, Defence, etc.

If you like DB story ( even if you never read it or watched the show ), If you like rpg game, If you like challenge, and if you like fighting game, you will feel proud when you will have mastered a new fighting game controls.
Wildside said:
The only biggest disapointment about this game is that u have to stand up to play away from ur TV, like 5 feet max, otherwise it will go dark on screen saying 'please come closer to ur TV', n fighting isnt as depth as i would of hoped.

By the way im always sitting when i play. i only stand when the fight becomes too intense and fast and when the opponent is STRONG!

Look at that trailer : http://youtube.com/watch?v=kgVEAa14Y2E
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DBZ!!! I used to be a fan, you know back when I was a kid, but I still like the style. I rented Elebits a lil while ago, almost beat it, pretty fun at first. I felt bored after a little while though, multiplayer is kind of a drag. DBZ, wow, I love this game I might even buy it. My friend came over an played it, hes almost 18, and he loved it hes buying it tomorrow. So many unlockables and the multiplayer is hella fun. I love it.
I would say DBZ if you've got friends who would play it. I've tried the multiplayer on Elebits and it's kind of fun at first but gets old fast. I didn't play the first Tenkaichi because I loved Buodkai 3 but I got Tenkaichi 2 and my friends and I play it all the time (since we can't play Naruto 4). There is nothing better than sitting down with like 3 friends and beating the crap out of each other on screen.

I'd say DBZ even if you don't watch the show, it's a great fighter hands down. The ign reviews for both games are accurate, but you have to remember that Elebits was helped with how new the game play is with the Wiimote. With all the things your looking for buy DBZ and rent Elebits because it can be beaten in a day or two while DBZ will last you until the next one.
I own Elebits.
and it really didn't come up to par with the rumors.
Go for DBZ.

Elebits was a good concept.
It was just really repetitive.

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