Cursor jittery in certain channels only


WiiChat Member
Dec 18, 2007
I have already scoured the forums and called Wii tech support with no luck, so I'm hoping someone has heard of this type of problem before.

I've had my Wii for about a week, and most thing work great, except for some reason, the cursor is extremely jittery in the Mii and Photo channels. The cursor continually blinks and when I mouse over any button the controller vibrates in quick pulses. In all other channels and in games it is fine. Also, in the Wii settings screen, when I press A once to select something it often clicks twice on whatever I'm trying to select, like a letter of the keyboard or a "next" button.

When I called tech support we tried everything, removing all other light sources, smacking it etc., and they said it would be a few weeks before I could get a replacement, so I'd really like to fix this on my own. It's not a huge deal as the internet channel is fine and I really only use the mii channel when a friend or family member is going to play (the channel is usable, it is just very difficult). The strange thing is that it only affects certain channels, and I have tested this extensively. I would really appreciate some help!
If you already have gone over this with tech support and they didn't supply any answers, I'm sorry to say but you might be out of luck. I guess you could try unhooking the wii or resincing the controller but that's all I got. Sorry.
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thanks for the reply, I'm still hoping someone out there has seen this although I'm guessing I'll eventually be sending it back.
i got the same problems also but i have 4 wiimotes and i notice its only with SOME of my wiimotes, not all 4..and it happens to me on EVERYTHING lol not just some channels
Did tech support have you go to the sensitivity screen? On this screen there should be two dot aligned horizontally. If you move the remote around and see more dots then you have some IR's or light reflecting some where. Also too some games and channels seem to have better Wii mote coding also.

Don't beat on your Wii mote also it actually has a camera in it and make sure the IR front is clean.
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Yes I did that test several times, but the thing is that it works perfectly in the internet channel, weather channel, all the others, so it can't be something like that right?
evonoeyen said:
Yes I did that test several times, but the thing is that it works perfectly in the internet channel, weather channel, all the others, so it can't be something like that right?

I dunno what to a new Wiimote and try it that way is my best guess.

Free bump, too.

I feel lucky not having a damaged system.. it would suck FINALLY getting one and it doesn't work right.
i had this problem, i moved the sensor bar further out towards the table that the tv is on, exactly in line now. all works perfect. well worked for me :)
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I also should have added that this happens with BOTH remotes. Again, I don't understand how it could be a sensor bar problem when the other channels and games don't have this problem. I'm guessing something must be corrupted
on the system.
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I was going to try to live with this problem, but I just bought Super Mario Galaxy and it is affecting that game as well. When I use the pointer to collect stars and such, it flashes and is generally kind of erratic.
I have tried setting up the system in another room here in my apartment and at my folks house when I was home for Christmas, but I get the same issue.
I called Nintendo support a second time to see if I could get a more helpful tech, but after she asked me to try everything that is online and in the manual she said I should try posting in the nintendo support forum!
Is there any way to reset the firmware without losing the VC games I have bought? I have an SD card but I am really unclear as to whether or not his is possible.

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