Crackdown Problem on 360?


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Jan 1, 2007
Wii Online Code
I rented Crackdown from blockbuster a couple days ago. I'm not sure if it's a problem with my controller, the system, or the game, but it seems like if you even breathe on the right trigger, you start firing away with your weapon, and i can't seem to stop because that trigger is incredibly sensitive! The only way to stop firing is if you hold the right trigger down and let go quickly, letting it slam back into place.

Does anyone know if this is a problem with my controller, system, or the game?

Note- The 360 is only a month old. Also, the only other games I've played were lost planet and oblivion, and those games worked fine.
It's your controller see if it happens to a different game also if you have really bad batteries like dollar general batteries it makes you do stuff when you don't even press it, it's weird I started running on gears without even pressing A and I changed batteries and it worked

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