Couple questions...


WiiChat Member
Dec 21, 2007
Wii Online Code
1)How can you get more memory for the wii?

2)I was voting for mii's and saw miis that look very customized like darth vader helmets and different looks that i didnt see while making a do you get the different costume pieces?
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so where did the darth helmets come form? i havent seen them while making a mii...and will they ever make more pieces to get?
elmo999, there are not rumors of an external hard drive being released for the wii. just hopeful wii owners wishing there was (i dont see the need, my wii was no where near out of memory, and i didnt even use an SD card in mine, had about 10 VC games and 34 or 35 saved game files cause i rented a lot)

i never was talented at making miis, lol ok i sucked.
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well i need to check the mii thing out again and see how they do that cuz I would be interested in doing the mii artisan thing.
Help a clueless Dad: I got a Wii sport game for kids for Christmas. 3 kids + friends come over. I figure I need to buy extra controllers, but it looks like there are two kinds of controllers. How many do I need, and which kind? I want Santa to be looking GOOD. Thanks!
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just get a couple regular ones at 40 bucks..or get a wii play for 50 that comes with 9 games and controller then get a regular controller.

also get a couple nunchucks at 20 bucks a piece. Also invest in a docking station to charge your remote otherwise you'll fly through batteries.
ref1mind said:
1)How can you get more memory for the wii?

2)I was voting for mii's and saw miis that look very customized like darth vader helmets and different looks that i didnt see while making a do you get the different costume pieces?

1) You cannot officially get more memory for the wii however if you are struggling and need somewhere to store save data you could use the SD card. Basically copy your data on sd card and delete off the system for more room and when you need to play the game again just put that data back on the system. This is complicated due to lots of switching and shuffling every time your turn on a wii however it can be accomplished.

2) You cannot get extra 'special' Mii accessories but this is where the Mii Voting Channel shines, the Miis you see on it have been made by the same pieces as you have. The Creators improvise with the pieces and work hard at making the Mii as best as they can with what they have and some results are excellent. You just have to learn the ways of the Mii to be able to improvise as some of the excellent Mii Artisans do.

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