Controller or Game?


Wii Owner!
Dec 21, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Wii Online Code
Well I've been saving up money and I finally have enough for a Wii. Originally I planed to get the Wii console and Zelda: TP. It turns out I got more than I planed for and I have enough left over for either:
Another Game
Wii Remote & Nunchuck
I need your advice on what to get because I can't decide. I'm thinking I should get the controller so my brother and I can play Wii Sports together or when friends come over. On the other had I'm thinking I could get bored with just Wii Sports & Zelda: TP.

What do you think?


Sorry if this is in the wrong place.
how can you get bored with zelda?(unless you beat it)
Like everyone else said. Get WiiPlay and One Nunchuck. For the Wiiplay, you get a game and a Wii-mote. And for that you need to get a Nunchuck.
If you get a game you can have fun all the time. But if you get an extra controller you can only have fun when there are people to play with. Like what everyone said, get the WiiPlay/wii-mote bundle with it comes out.
Ya wiiplay for sure its by far cheaper and better for you in the long run...that's what I plan on's nice to have the extra controllers but like everyone said only when others are around can you enjoy it...
Evi1d33d said:
If you get a game you can have fun all the time. But if you get an extra controller you can only have fun when there are people to play with. Like what everyone said, get the WiiPlay/wii-mote bundle with it comes out.

what is with that sig lmao
I suggest that you purchase wii play. It solves both of your problems. You can get wiiplay and an extra nunchuck and be set. wiiplay is similar to wiisports.
similar but nothing like it at the same time lol, as in they are both tech demos but the games are way different, still like minigames though

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