Contest Sub-forum


Sep 30, 2006
Princeville, (Kauai) Hawaii
Wii Online Code
Well, I've been seeing a lot of contests held by WiiChat, and I've come to the conclusion that they're kinda hidden in between the other threads in the Site Feedback section and such. I figure that if we're gonna have contests, we should have a sub-forum for them, since a lot of us (Or maybe just me. >.<) don't check the site feedback that often.
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Sam_Harris said:
i thought there had only been one competition on wiichat
From what I've heard, there have been several. And considdering I0n's contemplating about starting another, I figured if we go through with it, it'd be a good idea to make a sub-forum. But if I'm wrong, sorry about wastin' your time. xP
Sam_Harris said:
i thought there had only been one competition on wiichat
Yeah i only think there had been one comp and that was the one where people had to get referals, but i dunno.
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Ronan said:
Is it ion that is giving these prizes?, if so thats very generous considering the only income is from ads.
Indeed it is. I was really surprised that he's held one/them. >.< Not sure which.

Jenova said:
I think that's a great idea! YEY4KUMO!
xD Thankies Jenova!

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