console not accepting 2 players

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WiiChat Member
Jan 21, 2012
My console is not accepting 2 players on games that need nunchuks ( player 2 hand icon is faded and not responding) i have interchanged remotes and nunchuks and allways same problem on player 2. I have no problems playing 2,3,4 players on games that dont require nunchuk.
Any ideas??????????
Maybe faulty numchuck try calling Nintendo service and there number is in the instruction manuel
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tryied with several nunchuks and is allways same. they are ok on player 1 and same nunchuk not working on player 2
is the connection point between the nunchuck and P2 remote broken
or is this the same with all wiimotes
mitch y u no receive blue shroom yet???????

That aside, thread closed 'cause necromancy ain't approved of here. Go t' the College of Winterhold or somethin' for that ****.
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